Coffee Beans Delivered

Thursday morning I got a call from my wife, “I am staring at a pallet of beans”, I heard through my phone.  Wait, what?  The beans were delivered already?  It was only 7:55am that morning.  I had just gotten to work and the beans were there already?

I wanted to hop in the car and drive the hour long commute back home to check out the goodies. My rational side took over and I trudged up the steps to the office, for another day of work.  I would have to wait until later that night before I could see those big heavy bags of coffee beans.  I felt like a kid on Christmas Eve, too excited to fall asleep, anticipating the gifts that would be found under the tree.  Instead of laying awake all night wondering about those gifts, I slumped in front of a computer all day answering emails and putting out fires.

Of course the drive home took “for-ev-ver!“; said like Squints from The Sandlot.  No amount of reckless aggressive decisive driving would get me home fast enough.  Lucky for me the PA Troopers were not in their usual hiding spots and I arrived home without incident.  Greeting me in the driveway was a pallet of coffee beans!  The most glorious pallet of coffee beans I had ever seen!  Actually, it was the first pallet of coffee I had ever seen, but it was glorious none the less.

After cutting through the shrink wrap, I realized it was up to me to get those 150 pound bags of green coffee and burlap into the shop.  Where was my good neighbor when I needed him? Bah, forget about him, I could handle it, I’m 40 years young. About 15 minutes later, with sore limbs and back, and all covered in burlap, the bags were in the shop.

What we ended up buying was some:

  • Guatemala Huehuetenango
  • Colombian Supremo Spectacled Bear
  • Papua New Guinea Fair Trade Organic
  • Ethiopian Harrar
  • Brazil Mogiana Yellow Bourbon

Now the fun begins.  The fun of sample roasting each coffee, working to bring out each bean’s flavor and personality.  The aroma of fresh roasted coffee will be wafting through our end of Myerstown.  Stay tuned…



Featured image courtesy of Sam Butler.